How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Effectively - Feel And Look Great Immediately!

I think healthy living boils down to a few simple rules when it comes to diet. It's okay to give in for a day or so as long as you are remaining true to your healthy routine 90% of the time. Ask yourself; why do I need to eat and live healthily?


Drink lots of water, take deep breaths, choose good supplements, eat all your vegetables, eat more protein, eat fewer carbs. With all the healthcare advice out there these days, and much of it contradictory, it makes healthy living seem like a complicated endeavor! In fact, all that advice can make a junk-food diet look attractive in its simplicity. But don't panic! Healthy living can be simple.

I am not one to suffer in silence, much as I'd like to be stoic and brave in the face of my own mortality. I complain. Often loudly. This, it turns out is not such a bad thing. And here is the real advice - when something feels wrong, go do something about it. I can never understand someone who says, "I'm scared to go to the doctor in case it's cancer." WHAT? If I thought I had cancer - and many times I've thought exactly that (I've had three prostate biopsies) - I would be instantly out the door and on the way to see my doctor.

Belief is an important component of any lifestyle. If you don't believe what Healthy living advice you are doing will work why should you continue to do it? Often times, the lack of belief is not in the program you are following, but rather in yourself. Food is an addiction that is no different than addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal drugs. To overcome this addiction, the first place to look is within you. Without faith, you are going to allow fear to maneuver you into a position to binge, overeat, and sabotage yourself.

1) Eat breakfast - it's amazing to me how many people leave the house for school or work without anything in their stomach. Who lets their kids go to school hungry? Unfortunately, this is a huge problem. "I'm not hungry" and "I don't have enough time" are two of the most common excuses. No more excuses! Studies have proven that eating anything before going to school leads to better test scores in morning classes. If you not eating breakfast, then start with something tomorrow. It can be cereal and milk or other traditional breakfast foods or even a slice of leftover pizza. If you can't stomach solid food, drink a slim-fast/ensure or other liquid meal supplement. This one change will increase your metabolism and raise your glucose level giving you more energy and better concentration.

No. 2: Have a coach, friend or colleague to role model who has a great way of all ready dealing with stressful situations. When ever you feel stress rising or feel under pressure call your 'coach' for advice or a chat or if that is not possible imagine how they would respond or act and step into their shoes.

Healthy living is giving thanks before you get out of bed every morning, and telling God how much Beneficial healthy habits you love. It doesn't have to be long. Tell yourself it's going to be a great day. I've had many morning, where I thought it was going to be anything but a great day, I did it anyway. It makes a difference and I can't tell you how. Only you know.

In our changing world, progress, with all its benefits, has also been damaging the environment and the conditions on our planet. These changes create a big challenge for the human body to maintain natural balance and keep its health and well being. Your body, whether you are aware of it or not, is most likely not functioning at its best, even if you think of yourself as relatively healthy. Your Physical Wellness in the sense of preventing illness and prolonging life is the attention here.


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